Sunday 2 March 2014

Night Photography

this is one of the first pictures i took, and while i was practicing that car drove by. i ended up really liking the dreamy quality that it has

 I love this little utility shed, since i didn't find a model i practiced posing with my own shadow in some of the photographs.

The whole time i was taking this picture i was chanting to the cat, "please don't move, please don't move." and it surprisingly complied. i like this picture because it reminds me of the opening scene in the first harry potter book, where Professor Mcgonagall is the staring cat.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Window Lighting

 Because i took pictures of my sister i got in trouble after a little while for being too bossy. This is my sister's, "you are annoying me face." but i still love the quality of this photograph.

 This is probably my favorite out of all the images i took. I think it gives the feeling of dreaming about future adventures.

this picture reminds me of drinking tea in the morning, and the beautifully simple conversation that comes with it.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Black and White Portraits

When i was taking these pictures i didn't plan ahead very well and so it got dark really fast, so when i was editing things started to get kind of grainy but its something that i ended up really liking. Olivia is a really beautiful person inside and out, she's also a huge inspiration to me because of her grace, strength/bravery and kindness. these were all things i wanted to show through in my pictures of her.

This is chris, he's always really quick to laugh or smile, something that i noticed right when i first met him. When i asked him if it was okay if i took his picture he said he didn't mind because he works in the Maori village so he pretty much has his picture taken all day i think he was more comfortable in front of the camera then i was behind haha.

the whole time i was taking picture of this guy he kept on cheesing it and i couldn't get him to stop haha. this was the most serious picture i got and i really liked the reflective quality that it has, like he's stopping and just thinking about things for a minute.

Wednesday 29 January 2014


The first idea that really came to me while I was thinking of the theme stranger was the fact that a lot of us, as students are basically living with them. A few weeks ago I was taking to my sister and she told me that sometimes she has these moments where she looks over at her husband and realizes that she is basically living with a stranger. Like many couples here in Hawaii they have a cross-cultural marriage that blends cultural Chinese and Hong Kong ideas with things that are American. This difference along with the concept of being a stranger was something that I tried to capture. I took all these pictures while they were making dinner together and talking about their day and buying new toothbrushes.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Subject Exploration

The details of a tree

Shadows on my kitchen wall

Shadows on on exterior wall